Mark Robinson: US Presidential Election Top 10: How Trump is making Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘dream’ come true with Mark Robinson | World News

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Little did Martin Luther King Jr know that one day, America would become so “DEIfied” that even a black man, judged by the content of his character and the content he produced, would be openly embraced by white supremacists.Three-and-a-half decades ago, a footballer named Mark Robins was credited with saving Sir Alex Ferguson’s career as manager, after which Manchester United became the dominant force in English football. Now, a man named Mark Robinson might just cause Donald Trump’s downfall in the crucial swing state of North Carolina, even if he brings Martin Luther King Jr’s dream of racial equity to life in a perverse way. And, of course, Donald Trump has called him “Martin Luther King Jr on steroids.”
Robinson’s bona fides as a racist are quite remarkable, even for a conservative politician, irrespective of his skin colour.
Under his online persona ‘mindsoldr,’ Robinson posted extensively on a porn site called Nude Africa, which is rather disturbing, as who posts their racist thoughts on a porn website? The web page’s comments forum became Robinson’s canvas for his observations on race, sex, gender, and slavery. Most of his comments are the exact opposite of his public persona, reminiscent of the old joke that the Republican National Convention is the Super Bowl for Grindr.
For example, Robinson, who is rather vocal in the bathroom debate, admitted to being a “peeping Tom” as a 14-year-old. He also claimed to be a connoisseur of ‘tranny-on-girl porn’ and added that it took the “man out while leaving the man in.”
He said he wasn’t in the KKK because they didn’t let black people join, but if he was, he would call MLK Jr “Martin Lucifer Koon.” Describing himself as a black Nazi, he said slavery wasn’t all that bad and wished he could bring it back so he could own a few.
During Obama’s presidency, he said he’d prefer Adolf Hitler and, like any true equal-opportunity racist, he was equally bigoted towards black, Jewish, and Muslim individuals. He called MLK Jr a “commie bastard” who was “worse than a maggot” and a ‘huckster.’ He also referred to Muslims as “little rag-headed bastards” and wrote that if “Muslims took over, liberals would be the first ones to be beheaded.”
While Trump was reportedly warned about Robinson and his gubernatorial candidacy, including his remarks disparaging the civil rights movement and mocking victims of school shootings, Trump didn’t particularly care even when Robinson called child survivors who advocated for gun control “media prosti-tots,” accused Michelle Obama of being a man, liberally used the slur ‘hebe,’ a common pejorative term for Jews, and suggested it was acceptable to send violent protesters to the Elysian Fields.
Trump seems to have learned his lesson, given that he recently held an event in North Carolina where Robinson was neither mentioned nor invited. Meanwhile, several top operatives of Robinson’s gubernatorial campaign have quit, and Trump’s former acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney admits that he is “weighed down by a very unpopular Republican candidate for governor.”
Trump currently holds a narrow lead over Harris (49% to 47%), and while North Carolina leans Republican, there’s always the danger of reverse coattails. It’s worth noting that the poll was conducted before the Mark Robinson allegations surfaced, and the state is absolutely crucial to Trump’s chances of returning to the White House.
Everything is usually measured with the benefit of hindsight, and we are in an election where Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are on the same page. Time will tell if Robinson’s deeply disturbing Uncle Peeping Tom act and his desire to “kiss and post” will cost Trump. Many years ago, Simon and Garfunkel sang: “And here’s to you, Mrs Robinson. Jesus loves you more than you will know.” Given Mr Robinson’s stellar racist credentials, it’s a tough task for Jesus as well.

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