What Does Your Midheaven Sign Say About You?

What Does Your Midheaven Sign Say About You?

Midheaven, or Medium Coeli or middle of the sky in Latin, is the furthest point from the Ascendant in your birth chart. It is the level that represents your public persona, career aspirations, and reputation. The Midheaven can reveal your attitude toward achieving success, what you want to accomplish in life, and how others view you when at work.
While your Sun sign marks the center of who you are, and the Moon represents your emotions, the Midheaven is about outward accomplishments and public life.It’s a place that answers: What am I here to achieve? How do I want to be seen by the world?
Here is a quick glance at what each Midheaven sign might reveal about you:
Aries Midheaven: They’re ambitious, bold, and do exceedingly well in leadership positions; they wish to leave their mark through action and initiative.
Taurus Midheaven: Stability and financial security is what propels them forward in a career. They want slow but sure growth, and success usually awaits them in a creative or practical field.
Gemini Midheaven: Their public self is portrayed by communication, adaptability, and intellectual pursuit, and one finds them most of the time in writing, teaching, and media-related carriers.
Cancer Midheaven: Those people with Cancer Midheaven like to nurture and take care of others and are intuitive, so they may do well in areas of caregiving, education, or really anything where they may interact with the community and foster emotional connection.
Leo Midheaven: Leo Midheaven natives want to shine in the public eye, or be known for their flair, entertainment, or any form of expression that gives them flexibility in their career.
Virgo Midheaven: Those people with Virgo Midheaven work with precision and great sense of commitment. They are smart, grounded and profound and they know how to get things done.
Libra Midheaven: For these natives, their public persona is channeled in terms of aesthetics and logic. Good jobs might involve law, design, or diplomacy.
Scorpio Midheaven: You have a desire for work that will be transformative for you and others. Many people who have this placement have gone into psychology, research, or anything involving power and change.
Sagittarius Midheaven: You like adventure, and you like learning. Your favourite careers involve traveling, teaching, or exploring and speaking about new philosophies.
Capricorn Midheaven: Your insight into hard work and achievement guides you. You work your way up to positions of power and respect.
Aquarius Midheaven: For you, innovation is virtually synonymous with individuality; you enjoy working in various nonconformist fields and strive toward progress and social impact.
Pisces Midheaven: This placement may mean that your career intersects with compassion or creativity, perhaps creative pursuits, healing professions, or spiritual activities.

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