Stretch Marks Home Remedies: Best home remedies to get rid of stretch marks |

Best home remedies to get rid of stretch marks
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Stretch marks are mainly small scars that occur due to sudden weight gain and an increase in muscle mass during puberty and can be seen in men and women both. These streaks on the skin can be erased through expensive treatments like laser therapy, which at times can be harmful to your skin. But on the other side, yes, there are natural home-made remedies too, via which you can bid adieu to those brave marks of yours by saving money and being safe too.Let us embrace our time and patience and ring in faith in the powerhouse of nature to naturally say goodbye to those ‘tiger stripes’.
Aloe vera
The medicinal and skincare-enriched succulent acts as a natural moisturiser, coolant, and instantly soothes your skin pores. The other additional content of antioxidants includes vitamins A and C, along with other anti-inflammatory properties. Application of aloe vera with sweet almond oil daily will reduce the itching and appearance of stretch marks.

Use the benefits of stretch marks

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Available in every household sugar is a natural exfoliator for the body and is also used for microdermabrasion. It removes dead cells and instantly increases the circulation in the body, improving the overall appearance of your skin. Crush some sugar, mix one tablespoon of coconut oil, apply it over your stretch marks and gently start the exfoliation process. Top it up with a moisturiser and see the results.
Coconut oil and sweet almond
The nutritional oil like coconut and sweet almond oils serve as moisturizers that penetrate deep into our skin and act as a robust skin barrier. The application of both oils together or individually, especially on fresh stretch marks, will make them fade away due course.
Lemon juice
Along with being an active antioxidant, a skin brightener, lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C, improving your overall skin tone. You can apply it alone or mix it with cucumber juice to form a refreshing yet soothing skin mask that will help you say goodbye to your stretch marks.
Egg white
The egg whites are full of proteins and amino acids that encourage the total hydration of the skin and can firm up and plump out your skin, hence decreasing the visibility of stretch marks as well. Whisk two egg whites and cover your stretch marks fully with the foam. Let it dry and then take it off gently. Finish this by smearing an oil or a moisturising cream, and you shall notice the difference in days.

Lemon juice helps to get rid of stretch marks

(Image Credits: Pinterest)

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Final word
Always remember, stretch marks are not signs of anything wrong with your health, and over time they do disappear, but in some individuals, the marks remain to be evident. Commonly seen around lower backs, hips, breasts, buttocks, waist, and thighs, stretch marks can also become your beauty woe and thus can be permanently omitted from your body using the above natural home remedies.

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