Barron Trump: ‘Very difficult’: Melania on conversation with Barron Trump about 1st assassination attempt on Donald

'Very difficult': Melania on conversation with Barron Trump about 1st assassination attempt on Donald

In her Fox News interview, former first lady Melania Trump opened up about the two recent assassination attempts on her husband Donald Trump and recounted how difficult it was to discuss that with their 18-year-old son Barron Trump. Barron has joined New York University’s Stern School of Business early this month. The first assassination attempt took place in Pennsylvania in July — before Barron started his college and the second took place this month in Florida — after he joined his college.
On a question on how was Melania’s conversation with Barron when Donald Trump was shot at in Pennsylvania, Melania said it was a very difficult discussion. Barron was playing outside and he rushed inside. On the day of the second assassination attempt, Melania said she was in New York city and she saw it on television. “I called him and he was okay. The Secret Service guys were with him, they were great, fantastic,” Melania said.

Melania is publishing her memoir next month aiming at dispelling misinformation and falsehood written about her. “I want to set the record straight,” Melania said adding that she supports Donald Trump’s re-election bid. “I know how passionate he is about making America great again.”
Melania said she did not give a speech at the Republican National Convention because she felt her letter to America that she wrote days before the convention was her speech.
On the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, Melania said it made her very angry as it was an invasion of privacy; they also searched Baron’s room. “I saw unpleasant stuff that nobody wants to see. Nobody should be putting up with that kind of stuff. I don’t even know who or how many people went through my personal stuff,” Melania said on the raids.
Melania was asked how he feels when people say they hate Donald Trump. “What you wish they knew about him?” she was asked. “That he is really a family man. He loves his family, he loves his country. All he wants is to build better, strong. He is not afraid…the way he said ‘fight fight’ just after being shot at,” Melania said.
On becoming the first lady
In 2016, Melania and Donald Trump got to know the announcement of the result from television and Donald Trump said to Melania: ‘Can you believe it?”. “Yes, I can,” Melania said, as recounted in her memoir. Recollecting that moment, Melania in the interview said that she doesn’t know whether it hit her that she was the first lady, but she realized that it was a huge responsibility.

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